My name is Karla~ with a K.
For those who say I love what I’m doing, that’s an understatement. I grew up cruising the back country roads of southern Wi.
My Dad proudly behind the wheel of his 1978 burnt orange GMC Sierra Classic. Kool cigarette between his fingers,WLS out of Chicago on the radio stopping at every antique/junk store there was.
Back then in the 70’s it was as if there was an underground communication to where the locations were. The best were often the actual barns or sheds that were piled high with hoards of treasures; dust drifting through the sunlight, bird and bat droppings covered every flat surface, sounds of scattering mice, dirt floors and the pungent smell of cigar smoke. Men in overalls, barely visible sitting behind desks piled high with stuff, or those sitting upon a stool listening to a baseball game by AM transistor radio. Magically, those illustrius owners surfaced to show my Dad around, my sister and I curiously following behind. I learned patience, bartering, small talk, ~touching “nothing” and skill of the hunt. I know this is common today, people are famous for it! Back then I believe my Dad was a man before his time, I believe he knew it too.
Playtime for me as a kid was like many ~playing outside~ all day. I was blessed with a swing set, sandbox & realistic play house that I rarely played “in”. I dragged all of the contents outside under our huge red maple tree; rearranged all day long and played house.
My Mom even borrowed me things I could carry out from our real house. When my parents bought me 2x3 obsolete carpet samples, I was over the moon ~colors, textures and variety! Yay!
My friends & I would dress up, live fantasy lives and play for hours, as did our imaginations. At the end of the day I never had to be asked to clean up, I just did in anticipation of tomorrow. It was a great time to be alive. My childhood was never shy of eclectic and rich experiences.
In 1988 I attended Mount Mary University in Milwaukee studied Interior design, graduating with a BA.
My husband Scott is completely supportive of my new venture, which is immense. I am a proud mom of 4, of which half, are on their own. I whole heartedly dedicated myself to family for over 30 years, it was truly what my heart wanted to do.
Even though I always had creative outlets my mind was always searching for what I wanted to do, “when I grew up.”
Carrying a camera around taking pictures, documenting everything since I was 10 always was my favorite pastime. I started my own business Blue Velvet Photography, creating the name after this sad “old” chair I purchased at a consignment shop. After reupholstering the chair in blue velvet, it became alive again. Little did I know it but that blue chair was the beginning of Kollective…..
In Art History not only props but objects with symbolism in portraits were included because of personal significance. So, I started buying unique chairs that captured the personalities of those sitting in them. My future was evolving, I didn’t even know it. I began with throwing theme holiday parties with friends. I decorated & organized the wedding for my son and daughter-in-law in 2018. Treasure hunting & buying elevated to a new level. With my mom at my side we scoured northern Il & southern Wi, creating memories for me that are invaluable.
A few years back a very good friend and I were talking about, how when we were kids both of us never knew what we wanted to be when we grew up ”professionally” and still didn’t. She asked me what I liked to do when I was young, she had heard often times “that interest,” connected to your adulthood. Well, there you go……… The past speaks, and here I am ~ taking a risk and going for it! My collection is vast, covering multiple decades, most are ready for rent, others in rehab, all have charisma and are waiting to be unveiled! My shoppe location is at 14W Fulton St in Historic Edgerton, Wi. It’s a beautiful 125 year old building which is worth the visit in itself! Please share with those you know & follow my pages on Instagram and Facebook @kollectivesr as the future of
Kollective Specialty Rentals unfolds.
Cheers to everything that makes you smile!
Owner, Karla Storlid